
This blog page is currently outdated. All blogging I have done since 2022 is in and

Old Blog Posts:

Cross Account IAM Role for ECS deployments

In my setup I have 2 accounts: Account A runs CodeCommit + CodePipeline Account B has an ECS cluster Most of the steps I did are described in the Create a Pipeline in CodePipeline That Uses Resources guide from AWS. However, my setup is to deploy to ECS using CodePipeline without using CodeDeploy. So I…

Make a dump of your MySQL DB on OpenShift

If you want to make a backup of your database or just want to create a dump to migrate your db to another provider, you need to do these steps: 1. Connect to your running application trough SSH. To do that you need to click this link on OpenShift and run the displayed command. 2.…

WordPress configuration for OpenShift

If you are trying to upload a WordPress site to OpenShift you will have to make the following adjustments to your wp-config.php file: // ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** // /** The name of the database for WordPress */ define(‘DB_NAME’,$_ENV[‘OPENSHIFT_GEAR_NAME’]); /** MySQL database username */ define(‘DB_USER’,…

Fedora 21 LXDE and MATE versions for HummingBoard

I have created 2 Fedora 21 images for the HummingBoard and Cubox-i. MATE LXDE I will create a XFCE based image too, soon. In order to extend the root filesystem on this image, you need to run: fdisk /dev/location-of-your-fedora-arm-media << EOF d 3 n p 2001954 w EOF partprobe /dev/location-of-your-fedora-arm-media e2fsck -f /dev/location-of-your-fedora-arm-media3…

Fedora Day Buenos Aires 2014

A month ago (or so) we decided to start organizing an event focused on Fedora here in Buenos Aires. The objectives for the event were: Get new contributors for the local Fedora community Grow the interest and show more presence of Fedora on the local community Bring all the ambassadors from Argentina together to talk…


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